The average Brit carries at least four ailments – including back pain and headaches


A poll of 2,000 adults found 82 per cent have a minor health condition – with 59 per cent of them in ‘significant’ discomfort or pain.
More than a quarter of sufferers have had specific ailments for several years or more, with eight per cent having been forced to cope for 10 years plus.
And the impact is wide-ranging – of all those with health conditions, 46 per cent said they struggle to sleep, 28 per cent have developed mental health conditions, and 18 per cent can’t work.
Commissioned by Perrigo, the research found 70 per cent of sufferers try to adopt a keep ‘keep calm and carry on’ coping mechanism to their ailment.
And 28 per cent do so because they feel their GP doesn’t ‘seem interested’.
While 27 per cent claim they can’t get an appointment with their doctor, and 22 per cent simply don’t like going to their local GP.
Although 52 per cent admitted it’s never crossed their mind to visit a pharmacy for advice.
Taking health more seriously
Farah Ali, superintendent pharmacist at Warman-Freed, said: “As Brits, we’re used to keeping calm and carrying on, but when it comes to our health, this shouldn’t be the case.
“Even minor issues and ailments can impact our quality of life and the way we want to live, when they really don’t have to.
“Don’t ignore your body by putting up with discomfort and suffering in silence.
“There are ways to manage conditions early through self-care so that problems don’t build up and disrupt everyday activity.”
The study also found a tendency to suffer in silence is very much a nationwide problem – 57 per cent of everyone polled said they usually keep schtum when they develop health conditions.
While 54 per cent admit they are ‘better’ at looking at other people’s health than their own.
And this approach appears to extend to self-care – 56 per cent admitted this isn’t one of their strong points.
Worse still, 43 per cent don’t consider it to be a priority.
However, the same percentage think they have improved in this area of their lives during the last two or three years.
While 69 per cent claim to be ‘good’ at listening to their body and understanding its needs.
Community pharmacies are accessible alternatives
Carried out through OnePoll, the research found the typical adult has taken seven days off work during the past year.
But this figure should perhaps be higher – 59 per cent said they’ve worked despite feeling too ill to do so.
And reasons why include not liking taking time off (37 per cent), having ‘too much work to do’ (31 per cent), and not wanting to acknowledge there was a problem (20 per cent).
Farah Ali added: “You must always seek the advice of a healthcare professional for any prolonged condition.
“Your community pharmacist is an accessible and great first point of call if you’re struggling to get an appointment with your doctor.
“Pharmacists are experts in minor health conditions, able to provide self-care solutions.
“They can offer clinical advice and over-the-counter medicines for a range of minor illnesses.
“And they’ll signpost you if you need to see a GP, nurse or other healthcare professional to treat your condition.”

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