Murder Trial Tonight takes audiences on a dramatic journey in its UK and Ireland tour


Tigerslane Studios, an immersive production and theatre company based in London, have announced tour dates for their new production, Murder Trial Tonight. This exciting new interactive show brings to the stage previous true-story murder cases and offers audiences insight into the trial process.

Bringing exciting productions of true crime courtroom thrillers and new writings to life, Tigerslane Studios creates provocative shows that seek to transform the viewer’s understanding of who and where they are in society. They write and produce their own bespoke theatre plays in-house, with the goal of giving audiences a thrilling, one-of-a-kind experience through full immersion into the story.

A first of its kind, Murder Trial Tonight gives audiences the experience of a fast-paced murder trial in a dramatic courtroom setting. The show begins on the screen, setting the tone of the story and providing the ticket holders with an overview of the crime. After setting the foundation, the show moves to the stage for a live, intense courtroom drama.

The immersive element of Murder Trial Tonight begins during the live courtroom performance, as the audience acts as members of the jury. The prosecution and defence present their cases and cross-examine all the witnesses. At the end of the show, the audience deliberates and delivers their verdict. After either a guilty or not guilty verdict is handed down, the show moves back to the screen where a video of the murder is shown, exposing the true killer.

A unique theatre experience, Murder Trial Tonight takes audiences on an electrifying journey with plenty of twists and turns. The show also acts as a type of social experiment, giving audience members a first-hand look at the murder trial process and allowing them to experience what it’s like to be on a jury that decides the fate of a person charged with murder.

Tigerslane Studios has announced season one of Murder Trial Tonight, with the production of The Jones Murder Trial, a story of a husband who’s charged with his wife’s murder. The show opens on the 23rd of June in London at Big Sky Studios. It’s also playing in Cork, Dublin and Belfast through the 2nd of July. Season two of Murder Trial Tonight, The Julie Banks Murder Trial, is currently in production.

Check for showtimes and ticket availability at

In addition to Murder Trial Tonight, Tigerslane Studios has two other productions in the works. These include:

A Night on Wall Street – A social extravaganza and pure madness. A mix of a frantic Wall Street trading pit as well as an outrageous party taken straight out of The Wolf of Wall Street.

Pablo Escobar’s Court Trial – What if Pablo Escobar didn’t die, but instead was caught and put on trial in America? This show is the thrilling live court trial of Pablo Escobar set in a New York courtroom. A disturbing look into the life of Pablo Escobar and how he built the most ruthless drug cartels on the planet. He stands trial for multiple murders and drug trafficking throughout the world. But the case isn’t as straightforward as you would think. Can he wriggle his way out of this court trial? The audience will hear from witnesses including his henchmen, drug traffickers, DEA officers, victims and the man himself, The Don – Pablo Escobar.

Learn more about Tigerslane Studios and their upcoming productions at


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