Dawn Jackson

Dawn Jackson is Editor of PR News Blog

Drummette or flat? Americans reveal their chicken wing preferences

By Vanessa Mangru // SWNS NEWS COPY w/ VIDEO + INFOGRAPHIC A survey of 2,000 people found that three in four Americans won’t judge you for...

Younger Americans most likely to feel concerned about their safety on a daily basis

By SWNS Staff NEWS COPY W/ VIDEO + INFOGRAPHIC Over half of Americans feel like they’re in imminent danger at least once a day, according to...

More than two-thirds think their kids will have access to tech no matter how strict they are

By Aleksandra Vayntraub // SWNS NEWS COPY w/ VIDEO + INFOGRAPHIC Nearly six in 10 (59%) parents revealed they’ll often text their kids to come down...

The top 5 ways data breaches occur

By Joseph Staples  // SWNS NEWS COPY w/ VIDEO + INFOGRAPHIC Nearly a third of businesses are being reckless with customer data, according to a new...

Respondents think this is the cleanest place

By Livy Beaner // SWNS NEWS COPY w/ VIDEO + INFOGRAPHIC The average American eats food off the floor about four times per month.That’s according to...

The top fears Americans are willing to face to get their favorite food free for life

By Aleksandra Vayntraub  // SWNS NEWS COPY w/ VIDEO + INFOGRAPHIC New research suggests that when it comes to food, Americans’ love stories are truly unmatched. A...