Dawn Jackson

Dawn Jackson is Editor of PR News Blog

These are the top 30 clothing items deemed as 'inappropriate' for the office

Workers consider crop tops, flip-flops and cycling gear to be unacceptable in the office – while dungarees are also a no-go. A study of 2,000...

Only a quarter of Brits actually enjoy hot weather, while four in 10 moan about the heat

A survey of 2,000 adults revealed three in 10 struggle in the sun, while 18 per cent claim they thrive, with the ideal outdoor...

Gender discrimination could be the reason women fear being misdiagnosed by healthcare professionals

The study of 2,000 women found 49 per cent put this down to not being listened to by medical professionals, and 22 per cent...

Nearly half of dog owners are totally unaware their pets should wear sunscreen during hot weather

A poll of 2,000 dog owners found 51 per cent are planning to take their pet on a summer staycation this year, with 88...

Average Americans think that having a healthy lifestyle will make them miserable

By Vanessa Mangru  // SWNS NEWS COPY w/ VIDEO + INFOGRAPHIC Nearly half of Americans admitted that following their idea of what a “healthy lifestyle” looks like...

Top differences between digital and analog study habits in children

By Victoria McNally // SWNS NEWS COPY w/ VIDEO + INFOGRAPHIC Kids who handwrite their notes may get higher grades than their peers, new research indicates.  A...