Dawn Jackson

Dawn Jackson is Editor of PR News Blog

Millions of women have ditched beauty salons for DIY treatments at home

Millions of women have ditched beauty salons for good after learning to treat themselves at home during lockdown for a fraction of the cost. A...

Most Brits are stull confused about what to recycle at home

A study of 2,000 adults found 36 per cent incorrectly believed toilet roll wrappers can be put into the council recycling boxes, while 30...

Here are the number of BBQ items consumed over an adult lifetime

Adults will get through 970 burgers, 794 hot dogs and 838 kebabs in their lifetime - as they enjoy 441 barbeques.   A study of...

These are the top 30 signs of being a true football fan

The top signs of a true football fan have been revealed - including naming the starting XI of England’s World Cup winning team, owning...

Things Americans hate the most about shopping

By Joseph Staples  // SWNS NEWS COPY w/ VIDEO + INFOGRAPHIC Two in three Americans believe the absolute worst part of the shopping experience is going through...

Here are the top 10 places that Brit loyalties lie the most

Brits’ loyalties lie with their tea or coffee brand, hairdresser or barber and go-to supermarket. A poll of 2,000 adults found 58 per cent describe...