Dawn Jackson

Dawn Jackson is Editor of PR News Blog

Most Brits step out of their comfort zone at the age of 22

A study of 2,000 adults found 54 per cent describe themselves as ‘adventurous’.   But 18-24-year-olds are most likely to make the claim (79 per...

Revealed: Top 50 office gripes

A tool has been developed to help fed up workers deal with their colleagues' annoying behaviour in the workplace.   The ‘passive aggressive sign generator’...

'Chilling' drawings show bleak view of polluted oceans in the future

School children were invited to draw pictures showing what they think the world’s oceans would look like in the year 2070, and they make...

These are the Brit's top 10 turn offs

More than half of Brits have had a holiday romance – with six in 10 of those so lovestruck they’ve extended their getaway just...

Many Brits have no idea why bees are important to the environment

A study of 2,000 adults found 66 per cent are worried about the decline in native British bees – with more than a third...

One in three cited action movies as a huge influence on their fitness goals

By Victoria McNally // SWNS NEWS COPY Almost six in 10 Americans think they have what it takes to be an action movie star, new research...