As Fears of a COVID Surge Grow, Here’s how you can Protect Your Business


It’s 2022 and we’re still (technically) in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic. Restrictions may have lifted in many countries, but in the UK alone, COVID infections rose 14% in a week in September. COVID hasn’t left, and perhaps it won’t be leaving for a long time – but what does this mean for your business? Here are some ways in which you can protect your business as fears of a COVID surge grow:

Face Masks and Social Distance

Face masks and social distancing restrictions may no longer be required in some areas, but it may be good practice to continue to implement these within your business to protect not only your employees, but also any clients or customers you may receive should you be client-facing. Perhaps it’s time to enforce rules on wearing masks in areas where you may bump into others, for example corridors, and rules on social distancing in the office whereby employees must have a chair or two in between them.

Flexible Working

Possibly one of the most implemented and popular options when it comes to protecting the business and its employees during the COVID pandemic is the ability to work from home. Many employees (and employers!) found themselves working from home because of COVID during lockdowns – and, whilst there hasn’t been a lockdown in the UK recently, flexible working is still prevalent within many businesses.

Hybrid working is a new normal for many employees, finding themselves spending time both in the office and at home for work hours. This option may prove useful in helping to prevent the spread of COVID by limiting the number of people and the length of time they may come into contact with others.

Hygiene and Cleanliness

It is probably common sense to say that you need to adhere to good hygiene practices to help prevent the spread of COVID. How often are office desks (and even chairs) cleaned? Keyboards, computer mouses, and headsets – how often are these sanitised? Are your employees washing their hands regularly and thoroughly? 20 seconds is the time it should take for one to wash their hands properly. Make sure that good hygiene practices are implemented within your business and even have posters put around the office reminding employees to practise good hygiene and cleanliness.

Temperature Detectors

It may seem useless to have – surely if someone has symptoms of COVID, they wouldn’t even dare come into the office. However, using temperature detectors is still another way of protecting yourself and others by controlling who’s allowed inside the office. It’s rather authoritarian, but not allowing those with high temperatures, COVID or not, inside the office is still better than allowing someone inside who may spread the virus or any other illness.

Planning Ahead

Maybe you’ve already done this at the height of the pandemic, but maybe now is the time to create (or update) a contingency plan. With a rise in COVID infections, expect more sick and isolation days, interruptions and delays in logistics, and even any financial issues that may arise. Continue to review the contingency plan and communicate with your employees so you can provide a better service not only to your clients, but also for your employees.


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