
Ordo Appoints New Marketing Director to Drive Global Growth After 250% Surge

Oral care innovator Ordo has appointed Emma Harnett as...

Aspray Expands in Uxbridge: Ravi & Kapil Kumar Join to Assist Property Owners

Aspray, a leading property claims management and loss assessing...

HX5 CEO Margarita Howard’s Insight on Staying Competitive

As the sole owner and CEO/president of HX5, Margarita...

Those Over 70 Years Vaccinated With Janssen Will Receive The Memory Of Pfizer Or Moderna

The booster vaccines for the population older than 70 years will all be RNA, no matter what they received in the first instance. The...

Changing the World One Founder at a Time – New Series Shines Spotlight on 25 of the UK’s Most Innovative Entrepreneurs and Their Ground-breaking...

An entrepreneur who invented 3D printed personalised gummy vitamins tailored to people’s nutritional needs, lifestyles and goals is just one of the highlights of...

President Of JUR Denies That Her Words To The Press Affected The Shares

The president of the European Single Resolution Board (JUR), Elke König, has denied before the judge of the Popular case, José Luis Calama, that...

New API Standards Continue to Emerge to Meet New Challenges, says Survey

SmartBear, a leading provider of software development and quality tools, has released the results of its annual State of Software Quality | API survey. First...

Ministry Of Agriculture Finances Irrigation Modernization Works In Aragon For 82 Million

The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, through the public instrumental company Seiasa -Society Mercantil Estatal de Infraestructuras Agrarias-, has signed four agreements this...

British Government Is Now Considering Putting Prisoners To Drive Trucks To Curb Fuel Shortages

The UK gasoline shortage continues. According to data from this Thursday, only 26% of service stations were fully stocked and 27% were without a...