
Ordo Appoints New Marketing Director to Drive Global Growth After 250% Surge

Oral care innovator Ordo has appointed Emma Harnett as...

Aspray Expands in Uxbridge: Ravi & Kapil Kumar Join to Assist Property Owners

Aspray, a leading property claims management and loss assessing...

HX5 CEO Margarita Howard’s Insight on Staying Competitive

As the sole owner and CEO/president of HX5, Margarita...

More than three quarters of adults regularly claim to be ‘fine’ when they’re not – to avoid sounding negative or draining

A study of 2,000 Brits found they proclaim they’re ‘fine’ four times a day - 28 times over the course of a week. Yet, more...

7 in 10 get bored cooking the same meals over and over again

By SWNS Staff NEWS COPY W/ VIDEO + INFOGRAPHIC Ever put potato chips on a sandwich, or grill pineapple and chicken together just to spice things...

Nine in 10 Brits don’t know St George’s Day is celebrated to remember the English patron saint’s death

The study of 2,000 adults found a further 46 per cent weren’t aware the day falls in April. It emerged one in 20 thought St...

Most parents still making their kids wear masks to school

By Elizabeth Elizalde // SWNS NEWS COPY w/ RESULTS & INFOGRAPHICS Seven in 10 parents are still urging their kids to wear masks at school, even...

Legal changes could mean the end of the BOGOF chocolate bar – but more than four in 10 business owners are not prepared for...

New legislation, due to be implemented from 1 October, means products high in fat, salt or sugar (HFSS) will be banned from ‘appealing’ spots...

Less than a third of adults feel refreshed when they wake up

By Vanessa Mangru // SWNS NEWS COPY w/ VIDEO + INFOGRAPHIC It’s official: the best sleep comes from huddling under a cozy blanket in a quiet,...