
More than half of adults reckon watching telly has educated them more than ever before, research has found

A study of 2,000 adults revealed 51 per cent have found out about a social issue they’d not heard of before thanks to watching...

Brits’ biggest home bugbears are dirty and worn-out carpets, cracks in the walls and cramped rooms, according to research

A poll of 2,000 adults who do odd jobs found other home annoyances include creaking floorboards, paint colour in certain rooms and patchy and...

Single adults looking for love want someone who is honest and makes them laugh – but they also need to have a good job...

A poll of 2,000 singletons found six in 10 want to ‘date up’ when it comes to love – a new trend where in...

Nearly half of UK hay fever sufferers are 'dreading' the summer months, with many forced to cancel their plans because of their symptoms in...

A study of 1,500 people with the allergy found itchy eyes, runny noses and constant sneezing makes the warm season far from enjoyable for...

Food giant Kellogg's now produces ONE MILLION boxes of cereal a day, it has been revealed

The Manchester-based factory transforms a whopping 200 tonnes of corn every day. It’s a 25 per cent rise in production since 2016 when Kellogg’s were...

Etiquette experts have revealed the vaping dos and don’ts including never doing it during mealtimes or Zoom calls, and if in doubt, ask

The number of vape users is increasing, but 59 per cent of adults who use vaping as an alternative to smoking admit they’re not...