
The average child will have 104 knocks and tumbles each year, with grazed knees, bumps to the head and cut fingers most common injuries

A study of 2,000 parents found youngsters aged two to 14 experience things like bruises, split lips and scratches a couple of times a...

More than half of Americans are convinced talking about finances with others is taboo

By Vanessa Mangru // SWNS NEWS COPY W/ VIDEO + INFOGRAPHIC More than half of Americans feel embarrassed talking to others about their finances, according to...

What your home scent says about you

By Joseph Staples // SWNS NEWS COPY w/ VIDEO + INFOGRAPHIC The way your home smells may be a direct reflection of who you are. Three in...

Why most Americans chose this day to go to therapy

By SWNS Staff NEWS COPY W/ VIDEO + INFOGRAPHIC Americans are using therapy to cure their midweek slump, new research suggests. In a poll of 2,009 adults,...

The average child spends more than four-and-a-half hours per day on electrical devices, and just 40 minutes outside, according to a survey

This means that, based on a 12-hour day, children are spending more than a third of their time looking at screens and just six...

Parents are persuading their children into eating healthily by rewarding them with extra time on a games console, eating in front of the TV...

A study of 1,000 mums and dads of children aged 3-12 found seven in 10 have hidden fruit and vegetables in their youngster’s meals...