These are the top 20 animals Brits are unlikely to have seen in the wild


Brits have revealed the most elusive animals they have never seen in real life – including dormice, beavers and otters.
But the nocturnal nightjar and tiny pine marten topped the list of critters Brits have never glimpsed while out and about.
A poll of 2,000 adults found 85 per cent have never seen an otter in the wild and 87 per cent haven’t spotted a beaver before.
Other creatures adults haven’t seen in their natural habitats include the dormouse (87 per cent), muntjac deer (82 per cent) and pipistrelle bat (84 per cent).
Grass snakes remain unseen by 71 per cent, while 76 per cent haven’t set eyes on a tawny owl.
It also emerged one in three were clueless deer could be found in cities, while more than half (56 per cent) didn’t know bats were native to the UK, according to the research commissioned by Samsung.

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The call to explore more
Dr Bryony Tolhurst, lecturer in ecology at the University of Brighton, said: “It’s no surprise that the nightjar and the pine marten are named as the UK’s most elusive animals as they only live in certain places and are secretive and hard to spot.
“Despite popular belief, UK towns and cities aren’t devoid of wildlife at all and in fact are home to a wide array of mammals, birds, and insects.
“Some of the animals on the list are nocturnal and live on our doorsteps, so some of the best opportunities to see the animals is when the sun starts going down.”
The study also revealed many adults haven’t seen birds such as kingfishers, sparrowhawks and cuckoos.
But 49 per cent feel there is a lack of wildlife where they currently live – with half of respondents being city dwellers.
Almost six in 10 (59 per cent) are worried they might be missing out on seeing creatures because they don’t spend enough time in the countryside.
Just under half haven’t been to a wildlife sanctuary (45 per cent) nature reserve (47 per cent), or national park (33 per cent).
Lack of transport to wildlife sanctuaries, busy schedules and no natural spaces nearby were among the main reasons people are not seeing animals in the wild.
While 18 per cent wouldn’t know where to find them, 38 per cent have expressed interest in organising day trips away with family and friends to explore more of nature.
And 73 per cent are inspired to watch nature documentaries.
Capturing the best footage
Of those who have seen wildlife up close, a quarter claim they never taken any form of pictures or video footage of animals, according to the study via OnePoll.
And for adults who do like to capture a shot, 62 per cent don’t think their current device can capture the best photos of animals in real life.
While 59 per cent wish they had a better model camera to photograph their favourite animals in the wild.
Samsung partnered with wildlife photographers Kyle Moore and Ian Wood to document some of the UK’s rarest animals using the Samsung Galaxy S22’s Night mode.
Presenter Angellica Bell, who is working with the brand said: “In the UK’s built-up urban cities, it’s easy to forget just how many amazing animals are living alongside us.
“From the urban fox on the prowl to a herd of deer living in a housing estate, it was incredible to work with two talented wildlife photographers who were able to capture unbelievable footage of these animals.
“Following their simple tips, you could be on your way to becoming an accomplished wildlife snapper in no time, and capture some of our incredible wildlife too!”
Top 20 animals Brits are unlikely to have seen in the wild

Pine marten
Pygmy shrew
Hazel dormouse
Golden eagle
Pipistrelle bat
Water vole
Muntjac deer
Tawny owl
Roe deer
Grass snake

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