Free pizza for anyone called Lucy in honour of Barcelona star


Pizza chain Domino’s has rebranded one of its stores to honour a former employee – Lioness Lucy Bronze.
In celebration of England getting through to the Euros final, the restaurant has changed the name of its Headingly, Leeds, store to ‘Lucy’s.’
The Barcelona star worked in this particular store as a pizza chef in the early 2010s while undertaking a sports studies degree at Leeds Beckett University.
The store rebrand will be in place for the remainder of the tournament – but the tribute to the defender doesn’t end there.

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Delivery drivers for the Leeds store have also been kitted out with bronze helmets – rather than the white ones they normally use.
And anyone called Lucy with valid ID will be able to claim a free pizza when visiting the ‘Lucy’s’ store between 2pm and 4.30pm on the day of the final – Sunday July 31, 2022.
Ricky Kandola, operations director at SK Group, said: “Lucy Bronze worked at Domino’s so of course she delivers.
“We have always been proud of Lucy’s journey from pizza to pitch.
“Fingers crossed that Lucy and the team can make a pizza history and bring home the trophy.”

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