Over half of Brits like to 'stand out from the crowd' – to make them feel confident


A poll of 2,000 UK adults found 57 per cent like to distinguish themselves from the ordinary.
As many as six in 10 are keen to express themselves creatively and 42 per cent are always looking for ways to inject playfulness into the every day.
Among the top ways they add a bit more personality into their lives is customising accessories (26 per cent), clothes (23 per cent), stationery (22 per cent) and even their cars (21 per cent).
The study was commissioned by OREO, which has launched its one-of-a-kind OREO Twists Lab.
The pop-up experience allows customers to add a playful twist to their favourite things with the help of Tomiwa Sosanya, Aina Fontich, Nicolas Dixon, Rina Wanti and Stefano Meloni – a collective of artists, from airbrushers and painters to illustrators.
Spokesperson Katya Savelieva said: “Bringing out the spirit of playfulness and finding twists on the norm embodies everything we do, so it’s therefore wonderful to see that so many people can relate to this, especially when it comes to customising and putting their own stamp on things”.

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Making your own mark
The study also found 57 per cent are more likely to buy something if they can make it their own.
Those aged 18 to 35 believe making a mark on their belongings gives them a sense of creativity (73 per cent) and independence (48 per cent) as well as boosts their confidence (47 per cent) and gives them a sense of fun (63 per cent).
It’s not just possessions people are putting a personal stamp on, as 32 per cent like to ‘own’ their look through their hair style, and 25 per cent in how they don their make-up.
A further one in four like to use their outfit choice as a means of expressing themselves, as it makes them feel unique (35 per cent) and bring playfulness into their day (28 per cent).
But it’s not all about appearances, as 53 per cent enjoy adding a twist to their snacks to create more unusual tastes.
Among the most popular ways to do this are trying out alternative flavours (62 per cent) and mixing sweet and salty taste combinations (45 per cent).

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Adding a new twist
It also emerged two-thirds of ‘culinary creators’ are keen for friends (66 per cent) and family (60 per cent) to share the creations they come up with.
The research, conducted via OnePoll, also revealed having the confidence to put a new twist on appearances and possessions has grown considerably over the past decade, as 49 per cent are more likely to do this now than they were 10 years’ ago.
And 29 per cent are happy to adopt a more unique, customised appearance now more than ever.
This explosion of confidence has been stirred by social media (28 per cent), celebrities (25 per cent), music (22 per cent) and brands (17 per cent).
Katya Savelieva added: “That’s why we’re so excited to open the OREO Twists Lab today in celebration of a country who loves to put their own stamp on things”.

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