Biden gives the green light to remove three prisoners from Guantanamo


Biden gives the green light to remove three prisoners from Guantanamo. In jail there are 31 prisoners awaiting trial or considered too dangerous to be released.

The Joe Biden government authorized the transfer of its first three prisoners from the Guantanamo naval base in Cuba, although it is still unknown where and when they will go, US media reported on Tuesday.

These three inmates are thus joined by six others who have the approval of Washington to leave Guantanamo but have been waiting for the transfer for years, which has to be to another country. In total, only 40 remain at the naval base of the nearly 800 inmates it came to house after its opening in 2002 ordered by then-President George W.

Bush in response to the attacks of September 11, 2001. The Another 31 inmates are awaiting trial or are considered too dangerous to be released, despite not being able to present evidence against them as they were obtained under torture.

Can Biden close Guantanamo?
The three new inmates with the authorized transfer are Pakistani Saifullah Paracha, 73; also Pakistani Abdul Rabbani, 54; and the Yemeni Uthman Abdul al-Rahim Uthman, 40. The authorization has not yet been published by the Government, but the inmates have been informed as reported by their lawyers to the US media, which have also received confirmation from officials on condition of anonymity.

Former President Barack Obama (2009-2017) promised to close the Guantánamo prison, a commitment that he failed to fulfill. Obama wanted to send the prisoners to US jails to fulfill his promise, but Congress blocked his efforts under various pretexts, so the government transferred them to other countries.

With the arrival of Donald Trump (2017-2021) to power, however, the government abandoned its efforts to close the prison and only transferred one inmate in four years.


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