50% abstention that has stayed at home in 2021


When they tell us that there is no full democracy in Spain they lie to us, because if members of the governing institutions can freely say so or question the actions of the security forces that they direct themselves without consequences of any kind, all is said. In this country there is an imperfect democracy and such irresponsible statements are part of that imperfection.

When they tell us that freedom of expression is putting words to everything that comes to mind, they lie to us. Freedom of expression, like all freedoms and rights, goes as far as we do not harm the freedoms and rights of others .

Respect and freedom of expression are not incompatible and committing criminal acts cannot fall under the umbrella of freedom of expression.

When they tell us that the citizens who vote in Catalonia have voted for independence and change, they lie to us. We moderate voters have voted for left-wing and mainstream policies .

Let them sit down to talk and solve what is ours, not their partisan interests . Hyperventilated voters have voted with the guts, upping the radicalism of the right and left.

Conclusion: what happened to that 50% abstention that has stayed at home? The abstainers moderate home still dejected, depressed, disappointed and frustrated. And the hyperventilated abstentionists, maybe in the afternoons they go down to take a walk through the center and participate in making everything burn and burn together with those who do not have much to lose and the anti-system movements.


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