Iker Casillas And Sara Carbonero Live Together And Have Not Separated


‘Hello!’ contradicts ‘Lecturas’: Iker Casillas and Sara Carbonero live together and have not separated.

The magazine Lecturas publishes that Sara Carbonero and Íker Casillas would be living separately.

This Wednesday, the news of the alleged separation of Iker Casillas and Sara Carbonero jumped after eleven years of relationship. It was announced by the magazine Lecturas , which also said that both have lived in different houses for some time. However, Hello! Now he assures the opposite : apparently they are still together.

Sources close to the couple deny the information released in the last hours and affirm that Carbonero and Casillas, parents of the young Martín and Lucas, remain together, according to the heart medium.

It is not the first time that alarms have been raised about the marital situation of the athlete and the journalist after five years of marriage. Rumors of a crisis between the two began to emerge in August of last year, when the footballer bought only a house in the center of Madrid of 300 square meters for 3 million euros. Casillas acknowledged that “the same thing that should have been next to Sara had not been there.”

Some time later, the family, very suspicious of their privacy, showed themselves together. Of course, the rumors continued, and a sample of this is the cover of Readings chosen for this Wednesday.

Sara Carbonero and Iker Casillas leaving the Clínica Universidad de Navarra.

Sara Carbonero is discharged and leaves the hospital with Iker Casillas
In its pages, the magazine said that, before Carbonero’s intervention took place last February, the couple had already made the decision to separate by mutual agreement, since they were experiencing a strong wear and tear in their relationship.

A few days ago, Sara and her friend Isabel Jiménez ate together at a restaurant in the capital. They were joined by Iker, but, as Lecturas indicated , both left the premises separately. According to what they said, the communicator left in Jiménez’s car and he returned alone to the parking lot.

The couple has not commented on the matter despite the questions and the insistence on the part of the social chronicle. However, and as underlined Hello! On the afternoon of this Wednesday, the relatives emphasize that it is not true that they have broken up.


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