ANPE Canarias Estimates That More Than 300 Electronic Devices Are Needed


ANPE Canarias has demanded that the Ministry of Education fulfill its responsibility and provide electronic devices to the students of La Palma affected by the volcanic eruption since, according to its calculations, more than 300 tablets and computers are needed .

In a statement, the union has urged the Administration to distribute tablets among families to alleviate the existing technological deficit and guarantee pedagogical continuity while the emergency lasts.

In this way, ANPE has contacted the management teams of the centers, who have verified the lack of technical resources among the families , which is added to other connectivity problems that exist .

In this regard, the trade union organization has highlighted that this context “makes it extremely difficult” to teach teaching and puts the students of the affected centers at a disadvantage.

The students who will take this course to the EBAU are in a situation of inequality , since at the end of this course they will have to face a test that will determine their academic and professional future and, probably, they will do it in worse conditions than the rest of his companions .

The president of ANPE Canarias, Pedro Crespo, has indicated that “it is urgent that we study solutions for the affected students, we cannot delay any longer because the future of many students is at risk.”

“The problem of students in the second year of Baccalaureate should be addressed in the Organizing Commission of the Baccalaureate Assessment for University Access (COEBAU),” he said to conclude.


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