Arrimadas Expands The Citizens Executive With Territorial Leaders


Inés Arrimadas moves token. The leader of Ciudadanos has decided to expand the permanent executive, the nucleus of the party’s decision-making, incorporating several territorial leaders to try to appease the internal crisis caused by the failure of the operation to evict the PP from power in Murcia.

Among the profiles that are incorporated, according to management sources, are the deputy mayor of Madrid, Begoña Villacís, and the former vice president of the Community of Madrid Ignacio Aguado, according to the proposal that is on the table, which could still undergo changes.

Arrimadas has consulted with the main leaders of Cs during the weekend to ask their opinion on the next steps to follow, and several of them have advised him on changes in the direction.

The leader has anticipated the extraordinary executive of this Monday, summoned at the request of several barons, which is expected as a new catharsis. On Saturday, Arrimadas went to the headquarters of the formation and from there called the most relevant faces of the party to try to appease the spirits and seek a consensual solution to the crisis.

The last hours have been of maximum internal tension. Toni Cantó has weighed, from his position in the Valencian Community, requesting an extraordinary congress and running to try to take away the presidency of Ciudadanos, according to sources close to this leader, one of the most critical of the party’s performance.

In addition, some members of the management have also considered resigning from the executive this Monday, as a protest in the event that there were no dismissals.

The deputy secretary general, Carlos Cuadrado, and the deputy, José María Espejo, are in the spotlight. Cuadrado has been the executor of the failed operation of the motion of censure in Murcia, and his dismissal has already been claimed after the crash of the Catalan elections. So the leader supported him in his position and postponed the changes for later.

Among the most critical group of the direction are Cantó, the former Minister of Culture in Madrid Marta Rivera de la Cruz and the former president of the Balearic Islands José Ramón Bauzá. With the movement to expand the executive, Arrimadas seeks to satisfy critics and achieve internal peace.

The permanent executive of Arrimadas is made up of seven leaders, including the president. They are Marina Bravo, Secretary General; Carlos Cuadrado, Deputy Secretary General; José María Espejo, Deputy General Secretary; Melisa Rodríguez, spokesperson; Edmundo Bal, spokesman in Congress, and Borja González, Secretary of Organization.

The extraordinary meeting of the executive this Monday, demanded by several regional leaders – such as the Andalusian Juan Marín, the Valencian Toni Cantó or the Madrid Begoña Villacís – is preceded by a strong storm surge, especially after the signing by the PP of Fran Hervías, former secretary of the Citizen Organization.

On Sunday, former leaders of the critical sector, such as Senator Ruth Goñi, the Aragonese deputy Susana Gaspar or the deputy spokesperson in the Parliament of Extremadura, Marta Pérez, came out in defense of Hervías. More forceful were former heavyweights of the training in the time of Albert Rivera, such as the exporter Juan Carlos Girauta, who gave the “congratulations” to the PP for the signing of Hervías, or the former deputy Marcos de Quinto, who claimed Cs that this Monday “There are real answers and no arguments”.

The president also received support, such as that of the spokesman in the Cortes of Aragon, Daniel Pérez Calvo, who expressed his “comforting feeling of liberation” upon seeing how the party “finally begins to release ballast.” The leader charged against the PP: “Rome does not pay traitors, Genoa does.”


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