Mindful Chef is pleased to announce that it has become the first recipe box company to carbon label its recipes, as a new Low Carbon range launched on the menu on 3rd December.  As part of the healthy food company’s mission to become NetZero by 2030, the B-Corp has partnered with ClimatePartner – an independent climate action solutions provider – to enable customers to select recipes which are in line with the WWF’s target of reducing dietary related emissions.

The Carbon Neutral brand has put each of its recipes through a full Life Cycle Assessment, measuring greenhouse gases and the corresponding carbon footprint.  Taking the concept of ‘Field to Fork’ one step further, this ‘Cradle to Grave’ approach ensures that Mindful Chef has accounted for every aspect of its business model including growing, packing, transporting, storing, cooking and disposing of products.  Recipes featuring the ‘low carbon impact’ label will enable consumers to make more informed choices about how to reduce their individual carbon footprint and fight climate change.

Myles Hopper, Co-founder and Chief Community Officer at Mindful Chef, comments: ‘At Mindful Chef,  we’ve always believed that food can be good for both people and the planet. It’s something we’ve always been passionate about and we’re so excited to take this one step further with the launch of our Low Carbon menu.  Our customers have always looked to us to make healthy eating easy and now, following recent reports demonstrating that two-thirds of European consumers support carbon labelling, we’re delighted to be helping customers make sustainable eating easy too’.


Emma Detain, Sustainability Manager at Mindful Chef, comments: We know that food production and food waste is one of the largest contributors to carbon emissions globally. The average person’s diet-related carbon footprint is around 5.17kg of CO2e per day.  In line with the Paris Climate Agreement, the WWF set out an international target of reducing dietary related emissions to 4.09kg CO2e per person per day by 2030, in order to limit global warming to 1.5°C.  Our Low Carbon range, on average, emits 20% less carbon than the average UK dinner. Putting this into practice, if everyone in the UK swapped one dinner a week for a low carbon recipe, it would save over 1.5 million tonnes of CO2e per year’.


Mindful Chef will seek to continually challenge itself and bring more recipes to the Low Carbon range in coming months. Measuring the carbon impact of its recipes allows the B-Corp brand to identify where meaningful steps can and must be taken to help accelerate the transition toward a sustainable food future. Measuring to inform reduction is the foundation of Mindful Chef’s reduction strategy and brings the brand one step closer to NetZero by 2030.

Efua Mercer, Sustainability Consultant at Climate Partner, comments: We are delighted to be supporting Mindful Chef in this pioneering piece of work, helping their customers understand what it means to eat a truly low-carbon meal. By benchmarking individual recipes to a meal that is consistent with limiting global warming to below two degrees, we can tangibly see what the goal looks like. It’s this type of practical initiative that will truly help us all move the needle when it comes to getting the UK to NetZero.”