Packaging Perishable Foods for Shipping: Best Materials to Keep Food Fresh


Some groups of manufactured products require particular attention when being shipped. Perishable consignments are such items. They require strict compliance with shipping conditions. Otherwise, any breach in storage and shipping conditions leads to reduced shelf life and product spoilage. The temperature is one of the most essential parameters for control during transportation. Its surge can result in microbial growth and other sanitary violations. Thus, manufacturers should treat the issue of proper packaging perishable foods for shipment with particular attention and responsibility.

Challenges of Vulnerable Product Transit

The choice of the right wrapper for food producers helps increase consumer loyalty and avoid extra expenses on spoiled products. Yet, manufacturers encounter the following challenges when selecting a suitable cover for food shipping:

  1. Sensitivity of perishable consignments to environmental influences. A temperature surge leads to the creation of a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria and microorganisms.
  2. Influence of improper packaging on pollution and spoilage. Improperly selecting covers won’t protect food from external pollution and the influence of climatic factors such as sunlight, moisture, etc.
  3. The understanding of physical properties of vulnerable consignments. When dealing with consignment delivery, it is important to understand what physical properties are the most vulnerable and require particular consideration and attention.
  4. Limited shelf life. Delivery should be targeted and well-developed to meet the shelf life and guarantee the fastest route to getting products to end users.

Based on these parameters, manufacturers should develop and pick suitable wrappers. If you need help designing quality meat packaging, consider custom packaging solutions by Uniflex. The company comes as a reliable and reputable producer of food covers. Skilled employees will provide their professional assistance in designing the best option for brands’ vulnerable goods.

Methods of Perishable Goods Shipment

Now, let’s get down to the issue of how to ship perishable food items to preserve product freshness and deliver it to customers without spoilage.

  1. Make sure to pack perishable products appropriately. First of all, choose a suitable type of wrapper according to the above-mentioned parameters. If you contact Uniflex employees, they will help select the best solution for your kind of product, taking into account food properties. The brand uses innovative technologies to produce packages that are characterized by high resistance to tear and other impacts. Covers are safe for humans and nature.
  2. Select the best materials for storage under cold conditions. Cold usually slows down bacterial growth and maintains freshness better. Thus, low temperatures are usually preferable for vulnerable food storage. Make sure that the used packaging for perishable goods is friendly to low temperatures. Plastic containers are perfectly used to put and store food in cold and frozen conditions.
  3. Partner with a reliable carrier. Find a trusted service provider that ensures safety when goods are in transit and compliance with delivery standards. Make sure that its transport is equipped with the required machinery and refrigerators for preserving the required conditions on the road. Experienced carriers know all guidelines for perishable food delivery and guarantee secure transportation without damage or spoilage on the road. Thus, ask the question “how do you ship perishable food” when choosing a transport company.
  4. Adopt faster shipping. When planning routes for quick delivery, it is important to find the shortest and most effective way. A logistics unit of an enterprise is responsible for this task. Provide a delivery address to the carrier, and its managers will develop the most effective way to ship products to store shelves.
  5. Recheck data correctness to avoid late shipment. Pay due attention to the address, time, and other details to ensure that no delay will occur on the road.

Key Factors to Keep in Mind for Delivery

When planning how to ship perishable food items and preparing consignments for transportation, pay particular attention to the following challenging factors:

  1. Refrigeration and insulation are the viral parameters for keeping perishable consignments fresh. Trucks and other transportation means must be equipped with refrigerator systems and other machinery that can guarantee the required temperature conditions and prevent product spoilage on the road.
  2. Maintaining the right climatic conditions during transit. Transport and all refrigerating and freezing systems must work properly to maintain optimal conditions.
  3. Guarantying on-time deliveries and controlling expenses. Time management greatly affects the revenues and expenses of businesses. Timely delivery means being close to consumers and increasing their loyalty. Managing expenses helps develop the shortest routes for transportation and set a competitive cost for products.

Perishable consignment delivery is an attention-worthy issue since such products are very sensitive to all sorts of changes in the environment. Any slight change in the temperature or other climatic conditions can lead to premature product spoilage. Choosing suitable packaging helps cope with this task since wrappers can protect food from negative external influences.

Above, you’ve found out how to pack perishable food for shipping to preserve their safety and freshness. A trusted partner helps solve this task and allows businesses to ensure secure and effective shipment. Thus, the issue of picking a reliable contractor is a vital one for business profit. This rule is applicable to both packaging design and transportation. Both service providers make a significant contribution to the timely delivery of fresh food to store shelves and satisfying end consumers.


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